At KT, we’re for RV’s. All sorts of them! Motorhomes, Caravans, Slide-Ons, fifth wheelers, converted buses and everything in between. The lifestyle that these homes-on-wheels afford us is what makes them so popular and the reason why KT exists.
The experience and knowledge that we’ve gained over the 25-plus years we’ve been bringing a tailored RV product to the market means we’ve learnt a thing or two about the RV, the lifestyle and how they’re used.
One of the benefits we’ve built into our product over the years based on this experience has been the inclusion of a sign-writing or artwork replacement benefit designed to help protect your personalisation in the event of it being damaged. Many RV owners like to add a decal or sticker with a quirky quote or even a name for their beloved RV. Some of these are basic and some can be quite elaborate.

Image credit: Peter & Margaret Wright S30276

Either way, they cost money to apply and make your RV “your own”. So, what happens if as the result of damage, the paneling on which this artwork is applied needs to be repaired and the decal is removed in the process? Would your current insurance policy cover you for the cost of re-application?
Every RV Insurance policy we sell comes with automatically included coverage for sign-writing or artwork applied to your RV to a total value of $1000 for a single event (minus any applicable excess of course). This truly helps you get your RV back to the condition it was in before an unfortunate incident.
Does your current insurance policy provide this sort of coverage?
Safe Travels
Image Credit: Bev & Maurice Andrews Q76669

KT Insurance is a trading name of Ken Tame and Associates Pty Ltd ABN 48 057 816 172, AFS Licence No. 246937, who arranges this insurance as an agent of the product issuer, The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd, AFSL 241436, ABN 78 090 584 473. Any advice provided is general only and may not be right for you. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement available on this website, to decide if the product is right for you. A Target Market Determination (TMD) is also available. Benefits are subject to the terms and conditions including the limits and exclusions of the insurance policy. Ken Tame and Associates receives a percentage of the premium paid and a share in the underwriting profits.