
The KT Difference: Windscreen Cover

Being an RV Enthusiast means using your treasured RV for its intended purpose, regularly.

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KT Insurance
Oct 31 2021

Oct 31 2021

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The joy of the lifestyle is the freedom; planning the trip (or pointing the front end in a direction), hitting the open road and enjoying what our beautiful country has to offer.

It’s not uncommon for a trip to consist of thousands of kilometres of driving over many months, often on outback highways where you may not see anyone other than a road train for days on end. With this type of travel comes different risks and challenges. Over the years we’ve found one of the most common claims for damage we get from our customers is windscreen damage. We’ve all had it happen at some point, you could be following or passing a road train, using an unsealed road or just travelling in traffic. Breakages or cracks are going to happen, so it’s important to ensure you understand where such a situation leaves you when it comes to your insurance.

Personally, I liked it back when things were simple, glass was flat and easy to source and replace. Like most things, this has changed over the years. Vehicular glass follows the shape of modern RV’s and in some cases much larger than they used to be. Recent technological developments see windscreens housing technology such as rain sensors to facilitate automatic wipers, radar componentry to allow for radar cruise control and even different treatments to protect us from the suns damaging UV rays. These things have added convenience to our lives, but they add complexity and cost when it comes to repair.

It makes sense to truly understand what your insurer covers when it comes to glass breakage. With over 20 years of experience insuring RV’s, we’d like to think we know a thing or two about them, so our product has evolved over the years in line with what we’ve learnt. Every RV Comprehensive policy we sell has automatic coverage for Windscreen damage. With no limit to the claimable amount and a $200 policy excess, it means peace of mind if your RV has a particular piece of glass that may exceed many of the limits this sort of coverage can have on the market.

The process is simple. If you incur a breakage or damage to your windscreen or single-window glass, give our Australian call centre team a call Toll Free on 1800 582 582 and we can get the claims lodgement process going for you. Alternatively, you can contact O’Briens Glass direct on 13 16 16. All of our glass claims are handled through our preferred partner O’Briens to ensure the quality of service and the materials used aligns to our stringent expectations.

What sort of coverage do you have for your windscreen? Hopefully this article arms you with some questions to allow you to make an informed decision at your next renewal!

Stay Safe


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KT Insurance